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What is internet monetization? Monetization is the process of converting an asset to cash, or money. Internet monetization is the conversion of internet assets to cash or money. And effective internet monetization is the process of converting internet assets to cash or money at a rate that exceeds the cost initially invested in the internet asset.So what does that really mean? It means taking what we own on the internet and converting it to cash in our bank account. You see, no matter how many ebooks, subscribers, or how much traffic we have, if we do not convert it to cash, we are not effectively monetizing our internet assets.So how do we do it?First, we start with our internet assets. What are internet assets? Anything online that has the potential, either in the present or in the future, to create a stream of income is an internet asset.These assets can include, but are not limited to: visitors to our web pages, web sites, landing pages, referral links, ebooks, information we own, information we know, patterns we understand, subscribers on our mailing lists, and anything else online that has the possibility of producing a revenue stream.How do we monetize these? Ask yourself, how can I create an income stream from each of my internet assets? Just for starters, here are some ideas:Internet Asset: Monetization IdeaVisitors to our web pages: convert into paying customersWeb sites: Increase conversion rate; add additional streams of income like affiliate links and Adsense revenueLanding pages: convert traffic into subscribers for future monetization; offer confirmation page sales letterReferral links: Actively promote themEbooks: Begin promoting them; sell them or give them away to create valueInformation we know: Create an information product--an ebook, audio, or video presentationAre you getting the picture here?You should be constantly scouring all of your internet sales process and all of your online activity to determine where you can add in monetization. Begin to think big, to see everything as an income stream, and you will find serious success online!To receive a free copy of the book “15 Steps to Internet Success”, click here:15 Steps to Internet SuccessSean Mize is a successful offline and online entrepreneur and marketer, and is currently writing his third book online.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_Mize
